Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Ich musste diese Sprüche haben 26.04.2012

"Feelings of love are just a temporary lapse in judgment. Like some kind of mental illness."

"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those who resist their fate."

It's awfully quiet back there. Are you two making out?"

"A man should torture his friends well and make them cry.”

"There is no such thing in this world as coincidence, there is but that which is fated to be!"

 If men weren't perverts humans would be extinct."
"It’s a sin not to peek if you are born as a man."

           γ"⌒ ヽ 
     i l!从ノリ)  
     |.∩゚ o゚∩   うー!
    / ヽ~卯 ソ
    // ノ__ゝヽ
   /レル i_/ J ヽヽヽ

     γ"⌒ ヽ  ヽ
    i l!从ノリ)  j
    | リ゚ ヮ゚ノリ にゃー
    / ノ つ つ
  /// ノ__ゝヽ
 〃/レル i_/ J ヽヽヽ

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